Saturday 23 April 2011

Mac Keyboard Symbols

In case if you are wondering how I took the selected Print Screen on my Macbook, the short-cut is
Shift-Apple-4 which looks like the picture below in symbols.

I must admit I have used my Macbook for about 4 years now, I never bothered to learn all the symbols.  Since I found the info today, I might as well share with everybody.  The table below is very very helpful.
 To know the exact shortcut your Macbook has for various functions & to change the shortcut if you prefer, just:-
1. Click on the Apple icon on the top left hand corner of your screen & select "System Preferences".

 2. Click on "Keyboard" & the following box will appear.  You can see what are all the shortcuts set on your Macbook currently.  You can also set new shortcuts for new functions not listed there, like how I did to use "Apple-Spacebar" to change my input language to Simplified Chinese.

The useful little table above is from MacRumors: Guides.  On this useful webpage , you can also find lots of other shortcuts too!

Creating a Drop-down list on NeoOffice

As instructed by the planets & my High Almighty mother, I had to start packing up my brand-new SOHO office after the fancy reno.

I decided to start an inventory list to record the location of all the items kept to reduce all the frustrations of finding things in my work space and home.

To speed up search process, a drop-down list would be very helpful, but alas, I have lost touch with the more in-depth functions of Excel since my schooling days and I do not have Microsoft Excel on my Macbook, thus I decided to search online for more help.

Unfortunately, the Microsoft Help and the Neo Office Help were not very clear.  Thus, I decided to share what I finally figured out after a couple of hours.

1. Select the cells you wish to have the drop box function.
2. On the top left hand corner of Neo Office, click on the Name Box (that Drop down list that writes B11 in the picture below) & rename the selected cells & press "enter".  For example, "Location" or "Expenditure Type", depending on what you are creating this spreadsheet for.

3. Next, click on "Data" from the top main menu & select "Validity..."

4. In the box that pops out, under the "Criteria" tab, click on the scroll down list under "Allow" & select "List".

5. You can choose whether to allow for blank cells (you know those moments when you have not decided where to put your latest gadget).  But ensure that "Show Selection List" is ticked & you can start keying in all the selections you want to see in your drop-drop list.

6. Click on "OK" & Voila! Drop down list done! 

What if I forgot to add another item in my list?  What should I do?

Simple!  Just click on any cell you have selected to have this drop-down list, and click on "Data" and "Validity..." like the Step 3 above, and you will enter the box with the entire list you have entered earlier.  Key in whatever you have missed out; remember to key in only 1 item per line.  Click "OK".